Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these conditions are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications. However, sudden eye problems and those that last for more than a couple of days should be checked by an eye doctor. The following is a list of common eye problems and their possible causes.
Eye twitching:
While usually harmless, an eye twitch can be very annoying. Twitching may be associated with the following:
•Pink eye
•Panic disorder
•Tourette syndrome
Itchy eyes:
Are your eyes itching? Itchy, red eyes can be very uncomfortable. Here are a few conditions that may cause itchy eyes:
•Pink eye
•Dry eye syndrome
Tired eyes:
Do your eyes feel tired and fatigued? The following conditions may cause tired eyes:
•Dry eye syndrome
•Computer vision syndrome
Seeing floaters:
Do you see spots in your vision? Do you see faint strands floating around that seem to move away if you look at them? Floaters may occur with the following conditions:
•Retinal detachment
•Diabetic retinopathy
•Posterior vitreous detachment
Blurry vision:
Blurry vision, or the inability to bring objects into sharp focus, can be caused by a number of conditions. Sometimes fatigue or illness can cause vision to be temporarily blurred. The following eye problems can also cause blurry vision:
•Dry eye syndrome
Age-related problems:
Many eye problems occur as we get older. As always, annual comprehensive eye examinations are important for maintaining healthy vision as we age. The following eye problems may develop due to aging:
•Age-related macular degeneration
•Posterior vitreous detachment
Children's eye problems:
Parents are often the first to notice eye problems in their children. Alert an eye care professional if you notice possible problems with your child's eyes or vision. The following eye problems may be responsible:
•Lazy eye
•Color blindness
•Pink eye